uPVC Windows and doors - What’s all the fuss about?
uPVC Windows - What’s all the fuss about? In the window profile industry, there seems to be a definite trend towards uPVC. uPVC frames dominate the window market in Europe and are also very common in China, the USA, and increasingly, even in India. The question is, why? What's so special about uPVC? Why are more and more home owners jumping on the uPVC bandwagon? And, perhaps most importantly - should we join them? As we all know, general sentiment isn't always driven by logic or even actual benefit, but is this yet another case of like begets like, or is there something more to the uPVC story? To attempt to answer this let us look at the performance of uPVC windows over three broad parameters - Ecological, Economic and Material/Design/ Safety. uPVC windows do not emit any gases and can be considered as absolutely harmless to human health. Due to this fact and thanks to the easy-to-clean and hygienic, non-porous surfaces of uPVC window frames, they are suitable even for ins...